Competition launched to turn Plaza 7 de Agosto into a sustainable urban space

Photo: District Market Square Siete de Agosto in Bogota - SDM
Photo: District Market Square Siete de Agosto in Bogota - SDM

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The District Secretariat of Mobility continues to work hand in hand with international organizations and residents to turn Bogotá into a greener, more sustainable, walkable city, with greater accessibility and better mobility dynamics.

That is why, within the framework of the Climate Action Plan proposed by the District Administration and the 'Vital Neighborhoods' project led by the Secretariat of Mobility, the country's capital joins the Students Reinventing Cities initiative with 17 other cities in the world.

This competition invites higher education students and academics to propose innovative ideas to transform urban areas of the city with environmental and mobility problems into more sustainable, ecological and inclusive places through urban planning.

In Bogotá, the Siete de Agosto Market Square and its surroundings, an area where problems associated with mobility, accessibility and pollution are evident, was selected as the point of intervention.

Currently, the sidewalks around the plaza are occupied by parked cars and informal vendors who occupy the public space, the roads are deteriorated by the traffic of heavy vehicles, waste is not properly managed and garbage continues to accumulate in the streets, and noise pollution affects pedestrians and residents of the area, among many other problems.

In this sense, understanding, analyzing and proposing solutions to the opportunities presented by an urban case like this one can result in significant learning about how the city of Bogotá can revitalize other areas associated with marketplaces with similar problems.

The District Mobility Secretariat invites higher education students enrolled during the current year and academics from different disciplines of knowledge such as architecture, urban planning, environment, engineering, real estate development, sociology, economics, art, etc... to form multidisciplinary teams with students from their own university or from another educational institution.

Cities such as Washington, Paris, Montreal, Melbourne, Buenos Aires and Madrid are among those participating in this initiative that selected specific areas to propose innovative solutions that contribute to improving air quality and mobility conditions.

About C40 Cities

The Climate Leadership Group, known as C40 Cities is focused on addressing climate change and driving urban actions that reduce greenhouse gas emissions and climate risks while increasing the health, well-being and economic opportunities of urban citizens.

The organization connects 97 of the world's largest cities to take bold climate action and collectively lead the way to a healthier, more sustainable future. C40 supports cities to collaborate effectively, share knowledge and drive meaningful, measurable and sustainable actions to create greener and more just urban spaces.

The Secretariat of Mobility invites students and academics to form their teams and apply to submit innovative proposals to transform Bogotá into a more sustainable city. The call will be open until March 17 of this year.

For more details on the call for proposals, please visit

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