Bogotá obtains the highest rating for its ability to pay

Bogotá obtains the highest rating for its ability to pay
The international rating firm, Value and Risk Rating, assigned the District an AAA rating, with a stable outlook, for its long-term obligations. Photo. Mayor's Office.

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The Technical Qualification Committee of Value and Risk Rating SA Sociedad Calificadora de Valores, gave Bogotá, Capital District, a AAA (Triple A) rating, with a stable outlook for its Long-Term Payment Capacity with a total of up to 9.65 trillion pesos . This is a very positive result in the midst of the enormous economic financing challenges that have been posed by the pandemic since the beginning of the current Administration. 

“In the case of Bogotá, this AAA rating indicates that our ability to pay interest and capital is the the best it can be and highest in investment ratings. Therefore, the city will not be significantly affected by possible changes in the entity or in the economy”, explained Juan Mauricio Ramírez, the District Secretary of Finance. 

From now on, Bogota's payment capacity in the Issuance and Placement of Internal Public Debt Bonds is certified, and the District's position as an unbeatable qualified borrower is strengthened, with access to the most demanding markets and the most efficient rates. 

Finally, it should be noted that the city also obtained a rating of VrR 1+ (Plus One) for its Short-Term Payment Capacity from the specialized entity. This score recognizes that the city has the highest capacity possible to pay its obligations, in accordance with the terms and deadlines agreed upon. This is possible thanks to Bogotá’s current liquidity conditions.