With positive results, Bogotá ends 5 months of general lockdowns

Women with a facemask
Bogotá managed to reduce the speed of Covid-19 contagion and decrease ICU occupation.

With strategies such as targeted lockdowns, epidemiological tracing and massive testing, Bogotá managed to reduce the speed of Covid-19 contagion and decrease ICU occupation. That is why Colombia´s capital is ready to implement new measures to guide it towards the “new reality” in the next weeks.


Since the detection of the first case of Covid-19 in March, the number of positives cases progressively grew during the last months. This tendency became stronger during June, July and August due to the precipitated decision of the national government to authorize the reopening of different economic sectors. 


In response, Bogotá Mayor's Office took measures to reduce the speed of contagion and avoid the overcrowding of ICUs. Among these measures, the local government instituted Special Care Zones, in which localities of the city with high rates of contagion were under strict lockdown for 14 days. Residents in these areas could only leave their houses to buy groceries or medicine. 


Likewise, the administration initiated street disinfection, massive testing and offered at-home health care, food packages and a basic income for the vulnerable. These strategies were accompanied by the installation of differentiated schedules and shifts for each economic activity as a way to reduce the occupation of the public transportation system. 


The effectiveness of this approach was palpable. For instance, in March the RT index in Bogotá was 3.56, this means that a positive person could infect an average of 3 more citizens. But most recent measurements indicate that now the average is only of one contagion for each positive case. 


On the other hand, the city invested in the expansion of 1.700 ICU beds exclusively for patients with respiratory diseases caused by Covid-19. Consequently, the ICU occupation rate passed from 89% to 77,6% this last week. The goal is to reach 2.000 ICU beds by October.


Regarding this, Bogotá`s Secretary of Health commented:


 “These favorable results were achieved thanks to the commitment of the citizens of Bogotá. They have taken care of themselves by integrating protective measures in their daily habits and by promoting social distancing. We must continue working to prevent contagions during the new reality”


Finally, the Mayor´s Office recently informed that this positive balance permits the gradual lifting of restrictions for daily life activities. Nevertheless, authorities will continue to monitor the epidemiological model of the city to take further actions if needed.