Bogota exchanges knowledge with cities around the world about COVID 19

Bogota exchanges knowledge with cities around the world
Bogotá has shared its experiences around the actions that have been implemented to face the COVID19 outbreak in the social, economic, cultural, and public health spheres.

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Bogotá has shared its experiences around the actions that have been implemented to face the COVID19 outbreak in the social, economic, cultural, and public health spheres.

Through the international work carried out by the Direction of International Relations of Bogota, the city has shared valuable experiences with important city networks and international actors, which have allowed to show the actions undertaken from the city government with different city representatives worldwide.

Also, through Bogota's participation in these international scenarios, the city has been able to learn from the lessons learned, knowledge and experiences from other local governments. Seeking to strengthen the district government's decision-making capacity related to the measures to face the COVID19 sanitary, social and economic crisis.

"The World Health Organization - WHO warned that the coronavirus will be a long time among us. I am sure that science, solidarity and discipline will allow us to overcome this rare year, of various restrictions, changes and adjustments. As long as there's life, we will recover the material" assured the mayor Claudia López.

Bogotá has sought to implement innovative policies that have integrated economic and social areas. Always, putting citizens' lives at the center of the public agenda. Protecting their lives and ensuring the health system's ability to respond to the virus's escalation have been at the heart of the decision-making process.

"Today we surpass the initial goal of reaching 350,000 families with #BogotaSolidariaEnCasa We have already reached 347,423 families with money transfers and 54,770 with subsidies in kind! Thanks to the citizens and companies that with their taxes and donations make it possible” said the mayor in the balance made about the aid given to vulnerable populations of the city through

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