Bravo! Bogotá will host the Latin American Learning Cities Forum

Bravo! Bogotá will host the Latin American Learning Cities Forum Photo: Secretary of Education of Bogotá.
High-level representatives from 40 cities in the region will gather in this second meeting.

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The Secretary of Education of Bogotá has announced the great news that Bogotá will host the meeting of the Latin American Network of Learning Cities, be held in February 2024. The meeting will be attended by high-level officials from UNESCO and other international organizations who will share their knowledge about education.

Bogotá's designation as the venue for this event was adopted as a recognition of the city's progress in achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 of “ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all".

Bogotá participated in the first Learning Cities Forum held in Querétaro, Mexico on February 22 and 23, where the Latin American Cities of Learning Network was officially formed.

The meeting will be held in Bogota in 2024.

This event is expected to exchange knowledge and best practices on topics such as education for global citizenship and sustainable development, planning, inclusion, and health and well-being. This network is part of the regional strategy of the UNESCO Global Network of Learning Cities, organized by its Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL).

Cities such as Querétaro (Mexico), Mexico City, Villa María (Argentina), Envigado, Quibdó, La Matanza (Argentina), and Lima (Peru) will participate in the Network's meeting in Bogotá next year.