District Secretary of Habitat joins the UN World Urban Campaign


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The District Secretary of Habitat has been accepted by the United Nations to join the World Urban Campaign (WUC). 

This allows programs led by the entity, such as the Plan Terrazas, Comprehensive Neighborhood Improvement, eco-neighborhoods and access to social housing, to become visible to the international community through a dialogue platform and while also allowing scholars and citizens all over the world to share and learn actions that are being implemented in other cities around the world.

The WUC is a coalition made up of organizations from around the world that are committed to a more sustainable urban development model and it consists of a coalition of public, private and civil society actors, who seek to take the urban agenda to a new level. where the importance of cities in building a more sustainable world is recognized.

“The acceptance of this application is an example of how well we are doing things and that Bogotá is in line with the universal precepts and the sustainable development goals. It is a sign of the open political will of the current administration to make transformations based on the construction of the city that the United Nations has proposed," said Nadya Rangel, District Secretary of Habitat.

Likewise, through meetings and different activities, the District Secretary of Habitat will be able to gain feedback from a community of international experts on urban matters, as a way to receive technical inputs that will enrich the execution of the District Development Plan in progress.

For Rangel, “it is a very important alliance for our sector, and it points to our goals of this New Social Contract, because it leads us to participate in a global platform of good practices, through the transfer of knowledge and experiences with other cities of the world, which aims to build a friendlier city ”.

This year, the entity plans to carry out the Urban Thinkers Campus (UTC), an initiative of the World Urban Campaign, which conceives open spaces to support planning and inspiring urban designs, encourages citizen participation and where topics such as 'urban inequity in times of pandemic' are addressed. In this same way, it allows to carry out activities within the framework of the celebration of World Habitat Day, that this year will be celebrated on October 5th with the theme 'Housing for all: for a better urban future', a day that will allow us to have tools from the habitat sector to contribute to the path of social and economic recovery from the current pandemic.

The Campaign, which has over 200 allies from around the world , will allow Bogotá to subscribe to the Paris Principles, which promote the collective construction of  "the city we need”.

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