The largest concert in the world: through the eyes of the international press

The largest concert in the world in Bogota: through the eyes of pressPhoto: Shot of Yonhap portal news agency
The largest concert in the world: through the eyes of the international press

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On Sunday, August 28, the Largest Concert in the World to celebrate the truth was held in Simón Bolívar Metropolitan Park, an event organized by the Philharmonic Orchestra of Bogotá, in coordination with the Ministry of Education, the Secretariat of Mobility; the Secretariat of Culture, Recreation and Sport; the District Institute of Recreation and Sport (IDRD, as per the acronym in Spanish), and Transmilenio.

This presentation aimed to honor the truth and memory from Bogotá – which is consolidated as the epicenter of peacebuilding. The activity also broke a world record, as it had the participation of about 16,000 artists of all ages, who performed on a single stage.

The event did not go unnoticed in the international press and media from various parts of the world, which have highlighted various details of this musical festival in the name of peace held in Bogotá.

In Latin America, media such as El Universal de México and even Telemundo's television news highlighted the impressive number of concert performers, mainly the participation of more than 13,000 children from 38 official schools in the District.

In this image, the front page of Mexico's El Universal newspaper with the report on the World's Largest Concert in Bogotá:

Captura de Pantalla - El Universal de México
One of the main details highlighted by the newspaper El Universal was the extensive number of participants. Image: El Universal cover

Below is a screenshot of the video of the news broadcast on Telemundo about the World's Largest Concert in Bogotá:

Captura de Pantalla - Telemundo de México
The participation of children, youth, and adolescents united in honor of peace was the main focus of the televised coverage by the Latino channel. Image: Telemundo

In Europe, there was coverage from Spanish agency EFE, AFP in France, and ANSA of Italy, which also highlighted the size of the event and the approach to peace, demonstrated by songs in the repertoire such as the "Hymn of Joy", "Peace Popcorn", and "Everyone’s Song".

The following is a screenshot the EFE agency report, covering the Largest Concert in the World in Bogotá:

Captura de Pantalla - Agencia EFE
For the EFE agency, the participation of Mayor Claudia López and her words of support for both the event and the Final Report were the most remarkable details of the day. Image: EFE cover.

This is a tweet from the French agency AFP about the World's Largest Concert in Bogotá:

Below is an image of Italian agency ANSA’s coverage of the World's Largest Concert in Bogotá:

Captura de Pantalla - Agencia ANSA
The perspective offered by the ANSA agency was directed more at the participation of entities such as the Philharmonic Orchestra of Bogotá and the Ministry of Education to ensure the impeccable execution of the concert. Image: Cover ANSA

Finally, Asian media such as DNA India, The Nation (Thailand), Xinhua (China), and Yonhap (Korea) also covered the surprising concert and pointed out the importance of the event as part of the final report of the Truth Commission as a celebration and demonstration of Bogotá's commitment to peacebuilding.

In the image, the note of the portal The Nation of Thailand in which it reported on the Largest Concert in the World in Bogotá:

Captura de Pantalla - The Nation de Tailandia
Thailand's The Nation portal focused mainly on denoting the social context marked by the Final Report of the Truth Commission and its relationship with the event. Image: The Nation Thailand

Here is a screenshot of the note published by the Chinese news agency Xinhua about the World's Largest Concert held in Bogotá:

Captura de Pantalla - Agencia Xinhua
In the coverage carried out by Xinhua it was the performance of almost 16 thousand members in unison and the management of the event that most captured the attention of the Chinese media. Image: Xinhua Portal.

Here's a screenshot from Korean news agency Yonhap's website covering the World's Largest Concert event in Bogotá:

Captura de Pantalla - Agencia Yonhap
For the Korean agency Yonhap, the musical selection and its importance to signify Bogotá's commitment to Peace was the central point of its report. Image: Yonhap cover

We invite you to learn more about how the World's Largest Concert was carried out in the following article:

Philharmonic Orchestra Broke Record with Concert to Celebrate Truth