Mayor López: Citizens kick-start unstoppable change to confront climate crisis

Mayor Claudia Lopez, the Swedish Ambassador Helena Storm and the Headmaster of the University of Rosario, Alejandro Cheyne.
Mayor Claudia Lopez, the Swedish Ambassador Helena Storm and the Headmaster of the University of Rosario, Alejandro Cheyne.

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The Bogotá International Book Fair FiLBo is in full swing, Bogotá Mayor Claudia López and Ambassador to Sweden, Helena Storm participated in the discussion "The new citizenships in Colombia and Sweden," moderated by the Headmaster of the Universidad del Rosario, Alejandro Cheyne. 

The discussion covered a wide variety of topics, not least of which, the construction of new citizenships, climate action, gender equality, equal rights, walking towards smarter cities and importance of civic culture. 

When asked about the climate crisis, Mayor López had this to say, “Citizens have kick-started the move towards change, that change is unstoppable. It does not depend on the will of a passing politician, but on the awareness and guile of generations to come.” at this, the mayor cited the young Swedish activist Greta Thunberg as an example for all to follow. 

Mayor Lopez went on to say that Bogotá has taken a stand by becoming the only capital city in Latin America that has declared a climate emergency. To this, the mayor has adopted a Climate Action Plan, which seeks to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 15% by 2024, 50% by 2030, and 100% by 2050. Keeping in step with the Territorial Ordering Plan, the city will continue greening wherever possible, and even push towards eco-urbanism and sustainable mobility.

In her turn, Swedish ambassador, Helena Storm echoed these sentiments and assured that “this is a global issue and a red flag for humanity. We cannot demand without setting an example, which is why Sweden has announced its goal of become the first country in the world free of fossil fuels.” The ambassador assures that environmental efforts like this are best met collectively, and has indicated towards a new cooperation strategy for 2021-2025. "There is absolute potential for Colombia to become a regional leader and inspiration in this regard," Ambassador Storm went on to say. 

Gender equality 

Mayor Claudia López has re-iterated that her greatest source of pride and the legacy that she plans to leave behind is the District Care System. 

“This is a very ambitious endeavor that recognizes the unpaid care work that women do on behalf of those who can't fend for themselves. Women who have set aside their own education and career to care for those around them. The District Care System reduces and redistributes that excessive burden of unpaid care that rests squarely on women’s shoulders," The mayor then went on to explain that once this mandate is in place it becomes easier for women to seek higher education and opportunities in a competitive workplace, thus improving their own outcomes.  

The Swedish ambassador described this initiative as "hopeful" and indicated that 78% of women in her country are part of the total workforce. “We are not obsessed with having hierarchies, we have a horizontal society and a welfare state with generous social security, which allows citizens to take risks to innovate without fear of failure. There is no innovation without equality.”   

Sweden remains one of Bogotá's main international allies, as demonstrated by the letter of intent signed earlier this year. Thanks to multi-lateral cooperation, steps are being taken on issues of circular economy, gender equity and the prevention of child abuse through the District Care System and the creation of the Technical Committee on Culture. 

Peace and reconciliation 

Another issue that binds together the interests of Bogotá and those of the Swedish Embassy is addressing peace and reconciliation on the global agenda. At this point, Alejandro Cheyne directed the discussion towards the initiatives in which the administration has been working for the implementation of the Peace Agreement. 

Mayor López recalled that Bogotá proposed to be an "Epicentre of peace and reconciliation" and referred to how the guidelines derived from the Peace Agreement were territorialized from the Development Plan, as well as from the implementation of the Peace Agreement. Development with a Territorial Approach (PDET) in Bosa, Ciudad Bolívar including Soacha and Sumapaz. 

Ambassador Storm indicated that in her native Sweden, “We have learned that we have to look for solutions, that is why we continue to support the implementation of the Peace Accords and complete peace for Colombia. Over time we have understood that if there is no peace then there is no prosperity, that is why we have a culture of consensus in Sweden, and we seek agreements at every level of society”. 

Finally, the Mayor addressed the youth, she told them that peaceful mobilization will achieve the changes that Colombian society has sought for so many years.  She warned "Not to be tempted by the political manipulations that lead them to violence, it is their great challenge, to reach consensus in peace, and to accept dissent also in peace."