Mayors of Rotterdam and Antwerp ratify support for Bogotá strategies

Mayors of Rotterdam and Antwerp ratify support for Bogotá strategies
From left to right: Ernest Noorman, Ambassador of the Netherlands; Ahmed Aboutaleb, Mayor of Rotterdam; Claudia López, Mayor of Bogotá; Bart De Wever, Mayor of Antwerp; Bert Schoofs, Ambassador of Belgium. Photo: Mayor of Bogota.

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On Monday, Mayor Claudia López hosted an official visit from the mayors of Antwerp (Belgium), Bart De Wever; and Rotterdam (Netherlands), Ahmed Aboutaleb. The aim of the working group was to share successful experiences and establish lines of cooperation on issues of sustainable mobility, climate action, and security.

During the meeting, which was also attended by the ambassadors of Belgium, Bert Schoofs; and the Netherlands, Ernest Noorman, Bogotá’s leader shared the results of the implementation of sustainable mobility strategies, such as the promotion and incentivization of bicycle use, the use of car sharing, and the expansion of the electric bus fleet.

"We are prioritizing sustainable transport, and clean and public methods. Although cultural changes take time, we are headed in the right direction,"  she explained.

The Mayor thanked Belgium and the Netherlands for their support for the Land Use Plan and the Climate Action Plan, and ratified Bogotá's commitment to cooperation projects.

Additionally, she highlighted the advances that Antwerp and Rotterdam have made on climate change and received an invitation to share Bogotá's initiatives on sustainable mobility at the global Intertraffic event, which will be held in Amsterdam from March 29 to April 1.

Antwerp and Rotterdam are two of the most important ports in Europe and are currently facing the effects of climate change from rising sea levels. For this reason, they share Bogotá’s management approach aimed at implementing strategic actions to reduce the effects of the climate crisis by reducing CO2 emissions and implementing smart and innovative forms of sustainable mobility. They also make similar efforts to confront drug trafficking and improve public security.

The Ambassador of the Netherlands, Ernest Noorman, extended an invitation for Bogotá to share its sustainable mobility experiences and advances at Intertraffic: "Although our cities are smaller than Bogotá is, we share the challenges of large cities, and we want to be part of this global dialogue where it is vital to share experiences."  

During the meeting, the District Secretary of Security, Aníbal Fernández de Soto, explained Bogotá’s security strategy. "Since Bogotá is such a big city that it has been organized into sectors for to organize interventions."

"Our approach includes prevention campaigns and coordination with the national government," he said.