Measures to assist women in Bogotá


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  • Strengthening of online and telephone channels to provide guidance counselling, legal and psychosocial assistance aimed at preventing violation of women’s rights, including sexual violence.


  • The Purple Line phone line will continue its operation everyday 24 hours a day. Purple Line is a public telephone service line in Bogota, for women in need of counselling and assistance to prevent domestic violence.


  • The campaign #EnCasaSinViolencias was created in line with the strategy "Safe Spaces". This measure is being implemented in more than 630 stores and supermarkets in the city to prevent violence at home. When a woman arrives at the supermarket, she can contact the person in charge, who will give her two options: 1) If the woman needs to save her life, the person in charge will call the police in the quadrant to protect her and activate the Route of Attention, and will inform the Secretary of Women to follow up on the case. 2) If the woman only wants information on how to receive attention in her case, the caretaker will provide basic information and take her name and phone number to report it to the Women's Secretariat.


  • Daily campaigns have been held to fight discrimination against the transgender population in Bogotá. In supermarkets, drugstores, shops and other commercial outlets has been handed out and explained how to use the application of the protocol for prevention and response in cases of violence and/or abuse of authority towards LGBTI people.