Bogotá receives Unicef award for its fight against child labor!

Unicef and award to Bogotá
With the District Strategy 'For Children', Bogota received the award granted by Unicef. Image: Unicef

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UNICEF presided over the Inspire Awards 2021, in which Bogotá won in the category: Child Poverty Reduction and Social Protection, for its comprehensive work in the reduction of child poverty. 

The strategy 'Por la Niñez’ was the driving force behind the work being done by the District Secretariat for Social Integration, against child labour. "In our country," commented Secretary Xinia Navarro, "The rights of children prevail over others and that is the reason for the existence of our institution."   

The following tweet was made by the Secretariat of Social Integration about the award:   

The Secretary for Social Integration, Xinia Navarro, accepted the award: “As a social sector of the City we are very grateful for the recognition that the program 'Por la Niñez' has received. Based on the Territorial Strategy for Social Integration (ETIS) strategy and the territorial exercise that we have been overseeing at the Secretariat for the fight against poverty. Based on a criterion of social fragility, which today is framed in all our programs. We’ve participated with different countries and today we’ve received this distinguished award with happiness. Above all, this will act as an impetus to continue in the fight defending the poor and at-risk populations of our beloved Bogotá.” 

For his part, the Deputy Director for Childhood, Luis Hernando Parra thanked UNICEF: “On behalf of Bogotá and from the District Secretariat for Social Integration, I want to thank you for this recognition which gives us great pride and motivates us to continue working on the innovation of social services aimed at the care of children and adolescents living in Bogotá. We are very happy to see that our work has paid off.” 

The city of Bogotá applied on October 21st, along with several other countries around the world. The strategy even made the shortlist alongside with Ukraine and Portugal by the UNICEF panel of experts, to represent the category. 

Those who participated showed their practices in favour of childhood and adolescence through a short video. In the case of Bogotá, the approaches and journeys carried out daily by the 'Por la Niñez' strategy were documented, showcasing the city's social services for girls and boys who are at risk of falling through the cracks. 

A Winning Strategy   

The City Strategy 'Por La Niñez' took form within the framework of the Territorial Strategy for Social Integration (ETIS). This strategy is a tool that was implemented on September 21st, 2020 at the district level to reduce poverty during the next four years. Throughout its evolution, the ‘Por La Niñez' has been characterised as lifeline for women, the youth and elderly who fall under the poverty line to receive much-needed aid. Thirteen Centers and twenty-two Mobile Strategy units have been set in place to help the prevention and eradication of child labour. The ‘Abrazar’ Center and its four field-teams serve the population directly with a more boots-on-the-ground approach.   

The City Strategy 'Por La Niñez' has reached out to involve 15,000 boys and girls from different backgrounds with the aim of raising the trajectory of these children's lives. To date, through specialised care and a differential approach, the 'Por La Niñez' initiative has positively affected 8,461 lives.  

Since April 2021 -- the date on which the strategy was implemented -- thirty-one 'Por La Niñez' days have been held all over the district. These gatherings generate awareness towards the issue and reaches out directly to people who might be seeking out this very service. So far, these 'Por La Niñez' days have been composed of 654 families, 254 of them of Venezuelan origin and 400 Colombian and a further 946 boys and girls. The exercise has yielded a further 512 effective links made with local and district services ranging from kindergarten all the way to grade school. The Centro Abrazar and the Centro Amar, provide a place for people to seek out refuge and aid, be it health or otherwise. This service is revolutionary in the way it offers the public an alternative to help ease the burden they carry.   

In addition, shelter has been arranged for several families, 182 girls and boys in early childhood have been selected in co-ordination with the District Secretariat for Social Integration. Forty-seven families received hot food thanks to the concerted efforts made by the Local Sub-Directorate. A further thirty-one grooming kits have been delivered to adults and 234 kits specially crafted for children have been handed out.  

The Inspire Awards were launched to honour exemplary fundraising, advocacy, communication as fundamental examples for all to follow.