Bogotá reaffirms its potential as an innovative city after being selected as part of the Smart City Expo World Congress (SCEWC) circuit, a world-class event that brings together leaders from businesses, governments, and the most innovative organizations to move cities towards a better future. Now, the Colombian capital launches the Bogotá High Impact Route (Ruta Bogotá Alto Impacto), an opportunity for business growth in the city aimed at encouraging micro and small enterprises through the strengthening of innovation capabilities, access to financing, and connection with international markets.
The presentation of this initiative took place during an event at the Torre Atrio building, which was attended by the Mayor of Bogotá, Claudia López; the Secretary of Economic Development, Alfredo Bateman; and the Executive Director of Invest in Bogotá, Isabella Muñoz.
"Bogotá is the capital of innovation and continues to position itself, generating 24.5% of the GDP by producing, creating employment, working, innovating, competing, and with excellent human talent. We had to improve in terms of organization, which is why we created the Innovation Campus and the Bogotá High Impact Route, and that's why 9 out of 10 pesos dedicated to innovation come to Bogotá," added the Mayor of Bogotá.
In this tweet, the International Relations Directorate of the Mayor's Office of Bogotá refers to Smart City Expo Bogotá 2023:
#EnMedios Del 31 de mayo hasta el 2 de junio, Bogotá será la sede de #SmartCityExpo, una feria que reunirá a expertos en ciudades inteligentes. Se compartirán ideas y soluciones sobre cómo lograr un desarrollo inteligente y sostenible. Vía @adncolombia→
— Secretaría Desarrollo Económico (@DesarrolloBta) May 10, 2023
In this regard, it is worth noting that 32% of the companies in Colombia are located in Bogotá. It is considered the second-best city in Latin America for doing business, and 76% of the Colombian startups that raised capital in 2022 are based in the capital city.
Furthermore, the country's capital was chosen as the headquarters of the international circuit SCEW, created and led by Fira Barcelona International, which arrives in the Colombian capital thanks to Corferias in partnership with the Mayor's Office of Bogotá.
This initiative will be key within the content brought by Smart City Expo Bogotá, a fair that will take place from May 31st to June 2nd at Corferias, where experts will come together to work towards building smart cities in Colombia. "If you are interested in attending Smart City Expo Bogotá, you can purchase your ticket on the official website under the 'Attend the Event/Register' tab. This is the platform for exchanging knowledge and for all stakeholders to start working together to transform the capital into a space that cares for and watches over its citizens," invited Marcela Sánchez, project manager of Smart City Expo Bogotá at Corferias.
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This fair is aimed at representatives from the public and private sectors, national and international organizations and institutions, as well as companies, investor groups, business platforms, startups, NGOs, academia, and universities. All of them involved in areas such as technology, innovation, projects, procurement, planning, infrastructure, security, development, quality, and digital transformation.
For more information, visit the website or check the social media accounts of the organizers: @Corferias, @SmartCityBogotá, @DesarrolloBtao on Instagram, Smart City Expo Bogotá on Facebook, SmartCityExpoBogota on LinkedIn, and @SmartCityBOG on Twitter. To learn more details and mention the event, we invite you to use the hashtag #SCEBOG23.