Bogotá is increasingly attractive to leading foreign technology companies

Panoramic photo of BogotáPhoto: Mayor's Office of Bogotá
The key advantages are the labor force, human talent, and trained professionals, according to Invest in Bogotá.

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The first half of 2022 has been very important for Bogotá in terms of job growth and interest from international companies. An example of this is the decision of well-known companies, such as IBM and Mercado Libre, to establish regional operating bases in the Colombian capital. 

The Information Technology (IT) area, to which international companies such as those mentioned above belong, is one of the investment sectors with the greatest growth potential, according to indicators from the Invest in Bogotá agency. 

According to figures from this agency, Bogotá is the Colombian city with the highest concentration of labor force, with 25% of the country's total, which stands out as the third strongest in the Latin American region. 

Another aspect highlighted in these indicators is that of human talent. In the Bogotá region there is a population of approximately 84,000 professionals with engineering degrees related to the technology industry, a determining factor in the arrival of foreign companies in the IT sector. 

In addition to trained professionals in the required areas, Bogotá's workforce also stands out for its command of a second language. According to agency figures, in 2015, 73.7% of the bilingual population in Colombia was located in the country's capital. 

It is important to remember that last May, Bogotá was recognized as an attractive destination for foreign investment, according to the publication Best to Invest of Site Selection magazine, which ranked Bogotá as one of the five metropolitan areas recommended for investment in Latin America. 

Bogotá is increasingly positioning itself in the international market, as evidenced by the nearly 21,000 jobs generated by foreign investment in 2021. According to Invest in Bogotá, this is a trend that will continue to grow in the short term.