Children and youth, protagonists in Bogotá’s Land-Use Plan

Child showing a drawing
August 31st is the deadline for the children and youth of Bogotá to contribute to the city´s land-use plan by sending their needs, ideas and proposals.

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August 31st is the deadline for the children and youth of Bogotá to contribute to the city´s land-use plan by sending their needs, ideas and proposals. This initiative is based on the aim of the Mayor´s Office to create tools and platforms that promote citizen participation in the decision-making process.  


This civic engagement strategy is being coordinated by the Secretary of Education. In this context, Edna Bonilla, head of the bureau, explained:

“We want to know how children imagine their territories. Their stories, opinions and perceptions are essential for the process of urban planning. We want to create spaces and atmospheres that are safe and fun for them‘’


Hence, the administration began receiving letters, photographs, short stories, drawings and videos that represent how juveniles imagine the ideal environment, transportation and system of care for the vulnerable. These messages come from minors of different backgrounds and social contexts within the city.


Interestingly, this is not the first time that Bogotá includes the children and the youth in the process of democratic participation. This model was originally applied for the design of the District’s Development Plan which is the main public policy of the metropolis.


The proposals for the Land-Use Plan are being received through:


 Online form:


 WhatsApp line: +57 3057981292.