Construction of the First Line of the Bogotá Metro begins!

Construction of the First Line of the Bogotá Metro begins
Construction of the First Line of the Bogotá Metro begins - Photo: Bogotá City Council Communications

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This Tuesday from Bosa, the mayor Claudia López in the company of the manager of the Metro Company Andrés Escobar, representatives of Metro Line 1 S.A.S. and the Supervisory Consortium, formalized the signing of the commencement act that gives way to the works of the First Line of the Bogotá Metro (PLMB).

“Many years have passed for this dream of Bogotá to finally come true. There is no work more longed for and that waited with illusion for the soul of Bogota’s citizens than its Metro. The Metro is much more than a means of transport, it is above all a symbol of unity, of equality, of transformation of our society. From today the Metro is part of our lives. We will see it through many  generations, reminding us of how much we are capable when we work together, ”said Mayor Claudia López.

Mayor Claudia Lopez in the signing of the commencement of the Metro works

With the start of the concession, the supervision and the transfer of networks, the Metro will generate, between what’s left of this year and the next one, 3,276 direct jobs and 13,842 indirect jobs. In this way, the PLMB will contribute to the economic reactivation of the city.

The concessionaire is the firm Metro Line 1 SAS, it is integrated by the Chinese companies China Harbor Engineering Company Limited and Xi’An Metro Company Limited. Both companies have participated in the construction of the subways in Hong Kong, Singapore, Wuhan, Kuala Lumpur and Sydney, among others.

For his part, Wu Yu, legal representative of the firm Metro Línea 1 S.A.S. highlighted that, “This first line, which will positively impact different sectors of the economy, will not only generate numerous jobs, both direct and indirect, but will also promote other industries, such as construction, transportation, engineering and rental. machinery and equipment ”.

From now on, the concession contract will be developed in three stages before it enters into operation. The first, which will last approximately two years, includes the realization of the designs according to the specifications stipulated in the advanced basic engineering studies carried out by the Bogotá Metro Company.

The concessionaire is the firm Metro Line 1 SAS, it is integrated by the Chinese companies China Harbor Engineering Company Limited and Xi’An Metro Company Limited

Additionally, during this first stage the construction of the workshop yard in the town of Bosa, a parking and maintenance place for the trains, will begin. The depressed one will also be built on Calle 72 with Avenida Caracas, which will help decongest that important sector of the city before the start of the viaduct works.

During the second stage, which will take five years, the viaduct and the 16 stations will be built, the road structure will be reconfigured, including the construction of urban planning for TransMilenio, private vehicles and bicycle paths. The new public space and urban furniture will also be adapted. Additionally, bridges will be built on 68th avenue and a depressed pedestrian on 13th street. 

The third stage, which will take 6 months, includes design tests and operational tests, which will be accompanied by the audit and an independent entity that will verify the security of the system. It is estimated that the First Line of the Bogotá Metro will begin tests in 2027 and its full commercial operation in the second quarter of 2028.

“Welcome to build on what is built; to correct to improve not to destroy; to learn to live in a different, more egalitarian, more sustainable, more caring and more inclusive way. Thank you Mr. President and your government. Thanks to the citizens of Bogotá for this enormous achievement. Welcome to build this dream come true that is the Bogotá Metro! ”Concluded Mayor Claudia López.


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