4 District entities chosen in the Top 5 of the Par 2020 Ranking

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List of entities included in the Top 5 of the Par 2020 Ranking.

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4 District entities chosen in the Top 5 of the Par Latam 2020 Ranking


The Secretariats of Finance, Education, General Secretary and the Administrative Department of the Public Space, DADEP, are the District entities that today stand out for their progress in gender equality and that are part of the Top 5 of the Par 2020 Ranking, published in the web platform for measurement, consulting and technology, Aequales.


What is the Par Ranking?


The Par Ranking is a measuring instrument that allows a “photograph” of the progress in gender equality in the participating organizations in Latin America.

As a result of this annual, free and confidential measurement, companies obtain a place or position according to the score obtained among the participants in the categories evaluated.

Additionally, the PAR Ranking rewards the most equitable organizations and disseminates the good labor practices that they have been carrying out on their way to promote and defend gender equality in Peru, Colombia and Mexico, and soon in other countries of the region. This measurement is a continuous improvement tool for participating organizations.

The Par Ranking evaluates four fundamental areas out of a total score of a possible thousand points. The results obtained determine the position of the organizations in the PAR Ranking.


The categories are:

✔️ Organizational Culture: assesses the work-life balance, inclusive communications, prevention and punishment of sexual harassment at work, and the LGBTIQ + Community.


✔️ Objectives Management: evaluates internal and external policies with a gender perspective, awareness-raising actions and the use of indicators.


✔️ Organizational Structure: evaluates the number of women and men in leadership positions and other hierarchical lines of the organization.


✔️ Talent Management: assesses hiring, promotion and compensation procedures, good practices in the area of ​​HR, female leadership and new masculinities.


✔️ Covid-19 crisis management: measures and guides the integration of the gender approach in the management of the current crisis.



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