Check here the government program of the new Mayor's Office 2024-2027

Government program: Carlos Fernando Galán, Mayor 2024-2027 Alcaldía de Bogotá
The government program presented by Carlos Fernando Galan has seven pillars from which he proposes the transformation in fundamental issues for the Colombian capital.

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The government program presented by Carlos Fernando Galan, Mayor of Bogota for the period 2024-2027, 'Bogota camina segura’, has seven pillars from which he proposes the transformation in fundamental issues for the Colombian capital.

Here we briefly explain each of the pillars, at the end you will find the pdf with the entire government program, for you to consult or download.

The pillars of his government program

  1. ‘Bogotá camina segura’: addresses key issues for the solution of the main problems of Bogotá. It includes a Comprehensive Plan against Organized Crime, the constant institutional presence and territorial control, the strengthening of investigation and prosecution, as well as citizen participation and social fabric construction for security. It also highlights specific measures for the protection of life and security of women, improvements in infrastructure for mobility, a change in the forms of displacement and places special emphasis on improving the quality of public transport.


  1. Bogotá must be the same for all its people: in this pillar, the social vision of an inclusive and equitable Bogotá is proposed. It highlights the main measures to eradicate poverty and hunger, ensure quality education to close gaps, guarantee rights in schools, promote equitable educational trajectories and strengthen primary care and basic capacities in public health. It seeks to position Bogotá as a national model in digital health, integrate mental health into health services, guarantee sanitary security, promote human talent and technological development in health. In addition, it prioritizes health care for women.


  1. Bogota walks with its people: it is key to meet the needs of the people of different populations that inhabit Bogota. It highlights the importance of dreaming, being and growing in an inclusive environment for children and young people. The program proposes strategies to dignify the elderly, the street dwellers and to attend to the rurality and the peasantry; proposes a more inclusive and diverse city. Bogota will be the capital of ethnic and cultural diversity, recognizing the victims and working for peace, memory and reconciliation.


  1. A more friendly city: proposes to project Bogota on a larger scale, manage it as a dignified and fair city, revitalizing and protecting the residents. The government will comply with the Climate Action Plan to generate new environmental and climate confidence, promote sustainable mobility, adopt regenerative urbanism, implement circular economy, promote competitiveness and green growth. This administration will work to advance towards a smart city with access to environmental information, promote environmental justice, ensure financing for environmental and climate confidence. In addition, it will guarantee animal welfare, foster social appropriation of public space, start a new stage of care, develop inclusive habitats, and ensure quality public services.


  1. Appropriation and enjoyment of the city: Bogota will guarantee all citizens equal access to sports facilities, the creation of safe spaces for sport, recreation, and the promotion of culture for the population.


  1. Let's take advantage of our potential: Bogota, as the capital, has built bases to boost its productivity. We will promote entrepreneurship through the strategy 'Learn to Undertake' (Aprender a Emprender) and the program 'Bogota Pays for Results' (Bogota Paga por Resultados). With a commitment to digital transformation as a driver of economic and social development, it will increase its investment in science, technology and innovation for the development of the city's potential.


  1. A modern government that delivers: this pillar recognizes the importance of efficiency and transparency in public management; in this way, we seek to generate trust through administrative modernization and a closer relationship with the citizens, fostering their active participation to contribute to the transformation of the city.

If you want to download the complete government program, click here.

Next, the government program of Carlos Fernando Galan, mayor of Bogota: