Experts from the IDB, WRI, and 7 mayors from Brazil visited Transmilenio

International experts and 7 mayors from Brazil visited TransmilenioPhoto: TransMilenio S.A- All rights reserved.
The general manager of TransMilenio S.A., Orlando Cely, said that visitors want to learn about the system's successful practices.

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The transportation company TransMilenio S.A. received a visit from several Central American countries invited by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), seven mayors from Brazil, and a delegation from India from the World Resources Institute (WRI), a global research organization that works with governments, businesses, multilateral institutions, and civil society.

The international visitors came to Bogotá to learn in detail about the operation and management of electromobility that TransMilenio S.A., as a managing entity, leads in the city to ensure the provision of service of an Integrated Public Transportation System, to about four million users per day.

"We have received delegations from India, Brazil, and Central America interested in TransMilenio as a reference in public transportation worldwide. We are happy to share that information so that more cities join in making the same decisions regarding public transportation that Bogotá has been making for more than 20 years," said Orlando Santiago Cely, General Manager of TransMilenio S.A.

For the WRI, TransMilenio S.A. is a regional and global example in terms of operation of mass transportation and environmentally sustainable thanks to its current electric fleet of 1,485 buses, the second-largest in Latin America.

"These visits are fundamental because they help share experiences, not only to learn from other countries but also to share TransMilenio's significant achievements in terms of operation, electric buses, and infrastructure growth," said Felipe Ramirez, Director of Urban Mobility at the WRI.

Similarly, representatives from Brazil and El Salvador highlighted the magnitude of the system and confirmed that they will apply various operational and social techniques of TransMilenio S.A. in their cities' transportation models.

"The experience is fantastic because urban mobility is one of the major challenges for all cities in Brazil. We were able to exchange ideas and experiences for Brazil, and TransMilenio has even offered the possibility of providing us with technical consultancy so that we can integrate Brazilian solutions with those achieved in Bogotá," commented Duarte Nogueira, Mayor of the state of Ribeirao Preto in São Paulo, Brazil.

"It is a collective and efficient transportation system. We learned about the operation of La Rolita. For us, it is important to make this type of progress in Latin American countries," added Nelson Reyes, Deputy Minister of Transportation in El Salvador.

Additionally, next Tuesday, March 7th, a delegation of officials from the transportation sector in Argentina will visit the TransMiCable facilities in Ciudad Bolívar to learn about its operation and social work and to solidify an exchange of knowledge on technical and electromobility topics.