Mayor Lopez highlights the Bogota's care system in the C40 Steering Committee

Mayor Claudia Lopez concluded her agenda at COP28 with her participation in the Alcaldía de Bogotá
Mayor Claudia Lopez concluded her agenda at COP28 with her participation in the

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This Sunday marked the end of Mayor Claudia López's participation in COP28. Early in the morning in Colombia, she participated in the C40 Steering Committee (Climate Leadership Group), where, in her capacity as vice president, she provided final comments on decisions related to emergency responses and the proposal to establish a new working group to draft the new C40 business plan.

During her intervention, the Mayor emphasized all the work and effort put into creating the Bogotá's Care System. "We have the best Care Blocks System, using local-level infrastructure and social services to alleviate and reduce the burden of unpaid domestic and caregiving work for women," she highlighted. Furthermore, during the Committee, the Mayor introduced the elected Mayor of Bogotá D.C, Carlos Fernando Galán, to all the attending leaders.

Subsequently, the city's leader attended the Roundtable with the UN Secretary-General and Special Advisor Selwin Hart, during which government leaders, regulators, non-state entities, standard-setting bodies, and civil society presented challenges and opportunities regarding zero reduction commitments, transition plans, and the necessary regulatory support. This way, the Mayor concluded her international agenda in Dubai.