Public participation in Bogotá´s new system of care

Two women looking up to the sky
With this enterprise, the local government aims to reduce the burden among caregivers, which in most cases are women.

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Bogotá is undertaking the construction of a public system of care to articulate welfare services for the vulnerable and to provide opportunities for women and youth. With this enterprise, the local government aims to reduce the burden among caregivers, which in most cases are women. In this sense, the initiative aims to counter the feminization of poverty.


In this context, Bogotá´s Secretary for Women recently published the draft of the decree to create the Inter-sectorial Commission for the System of Care. This Commission is composed of different local institutions, the National Government, scholars, the Women's Advisory Council and caregiver organizations. Furthermore, the administration wants to guarantee the citizen´s contribution to the project through e-Government platforms.


In this respect, Diana Rodríguez, Secretary for Women stated:  


"We invite citizens to read the draft of the Decree published on our website. After that, please make your contributions, express your concerns and help us define priorities to make this initiative a reality. We will collectively recognize, reduce and redistribute the caregiving burden for women"


Bogotá as a city of care


One of Mayor’s López main aims is to make the local government and national institutions responsible for providing social care as a way to combat extreme poverty. That is why the District’s Development Plan approved a budget of more than $ 1 billion dollars to accomplish 25 goals. With these resources, the administration will develop hospitals, nurseries, schools, elderly homes and centers for disability services.


In addition, the city will implement a basic income for households in need. With this ambitious welfare program, women will gain autonomy and social mobility.  For instance, career and technical education programs focused on women and young adults will be created.


How to participate in the construction of the new System of Care?


All citizens interested in contributing to the formulation of this public policy can read the decree at and send their comments and proposals for the document to the email address:


Proposals will be received until September 3, 2020.