Secretary of Environment will be part of the Board of Directors of C40

The Secretary of Environment, Carolina Urrutia, was appointed as one of the members of the C40 Cities climate leadership
"Being connected to what is happening on the global stage is the best way to ensure opportunities for collaboration and cooperation for Bogotá," said Secretary Carolina Urrutia.

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The Secretary of Environment, was appointed as one of the members of the C40 Cities Climate Leadership Board of Directors. The C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group is a network of 97 cities around the world, committed to the fight against climate crisis.

This appointment will facilitate cooperation with the world's major megacities, which are constantly making decisions to improve environmental conditions at a global level. The C40 Board of Directors will address key issues on how to achieve greater political commitment, private sector ownership, coalition building, rapid and flexible response to cities, national and international leadership strategies, financing and the implementation of renewable energy, among others.

Through this appointment, in addition to the participation of Mayor Claudia López as vice president of the Steering Committee, Bogotá ratifies its commitment to the environment and reiterates its objective of being a pioneer, at the national and international level, in the strategic direction and decision-making process to face the climate crisis.

"Being connected to what is happening on the global stage is the best way to ensure opportunities for collaboration and cooperation for Bogotá," said Secretary Carolina Urrutia.

With the participation and representation of Bogotá in the C40 network, a unified effort will help clean the air and protect the health of all citizens, especially those of the most sensitive and vulnerable groups.

“This international commitment must be reflected in local commitments, such as reducing our greenhouse gases by 15% during this government. Among other ambitious objectives included in the second purpose of our District Development Plan, is to change our habits to make a greener Bogotá and to adapt and mitigate climate change”, concluded the Secretary of Environment.


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