BBC highlights Bogotá for "prioritizing pedestrian health" with bike use

BBC highlights Bogotá for "prioritizing pedestrian health" with bike usePhoto: BBC Travel portal screenshot
The city's deep-rooted cycling culture, new bike paths, and electric buses were recognized by the British media outlet.

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In its travel section, the renowned British news network BBC highlighted Bogotá's efforts in sustainable mobility and listed it as one of the cities that prioritizes the pedestrians’ health and experiences. 

In the article 'Four health-conscious cities putting pedestrians first', the BBC highlights the Colombian capital's commitment to sustainable and environmentally friendly modes of transport

The main detail that caught the attention of the media is the city’s cycling culture, which is reinforced by the District’s work led by Mayor Claudia Lopez. The more than 600 kilometers of bicycle lanes in the city and the traditional ciclovía are some of the highlights. 

"The city has really started to develop a noticeable Amsterdam and Copenhagen vibe over the last few years [...] There are so many bikes on the streets at all hours of the day, it is quite inspiring," highlights journalist Alex Gillard within the article. 

The presence of the Integrated Public Transport System’s (SITP, as per the acronym in Spanish) new electric buses, which are part of the city's Climate Action Plan, has been a factor in significantly improving mobility, according to the BBC. 

Likewise, according to the article, the historical and cultural richness of neighborhoods such as La Candelaria make Bogotá a recommended place for travelers who can also enjoy the city’s parks and open-air markets.

We invite you to read the full article 'Four health-conscious cities putting pedestrians first' from the BBC by clicking here.