Bogotá has a new Public Policy for Women and Gender Equity for the next 10 years

the District announced an investment of more than 2.4 billion pesos over the next 10 years
Bogotá's social policy continues to be oriented towards combating the feminization of poverty. We want empowered and autonomous women

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The District announced an investment of more than 2.4 billion pesos over the next 10 years, to implement the updated Public Policy for Women and gender equality, which has within its objectives the eight rights prioritized by women, the comprehensive strategy to implement gender and differential approaches for women throughout all the sectors of the city and the District´s Care System.

“Bogotá's social policy continues to be oriented towards combating the feminization of poverty. We want empowered and autonomous women, that is why we are going to continue fighting gender-based violence in a direct, constant and articulated way, ”said Mayor Claudia López.

This policy is the result of the participation of more than 5,400 women, 56 inter-sectoral work tables and 21 work tables with the Women's Advisory Council. The updating process of this policy, which was implemented in 2010, began in 2018. Today, this formulation phase ends, giving way to its implementation as of January 2021.

Diana Rodríguez Franco, District Secretary for Women, pointed out that “having a Woman as Mayor makes a huge difference in understanding the needs of women and making public policy decisions in their favor. The fifteen sectors of the district administration are responsible for the implementation of this new Public Policy and there is no doubt that women are at the center of public management in Bogotá. In a historic event, Bogotá will invest around 2.4 billion pesos in guaranteeing women's rights over the next 10 years ”.

The policy seeks to progressively and sustainably modify the conditions of inequality, discrimination and violence that women face due to gender, both in the public and private spheres.

In this sense, it establishes the eight rights prioritized by the women of Bogotá: peace, a life free of violence, education, economic rights, health, participation, non-sexist education and a culture free of sexism. Likewise, it incorporates and guarantees the implementation of the District´s Care System –SIDICU-, the process of implementing a comprehensive strategy around gender, rights and differential approaches in the district administration and the transformation of perspectives to eradicate the misogyny and sexism that are currently present in our society.

Rodríguez Franco pointed out that the objective of the SIDICU shows that the approved public policy responds to the challenges and experiences that women currently face, and “contributes to equal opportunities for women because it recognizes, redistributes and reduces the unpaid care work that falls mainly on the shoulders of women ”.

Finally, the Secretary for Women stated that eliminating misogyny and sexism, which are the causes of inequality, discrimination and violence against women, should be an “objective that transforms us as a society and that allows us to develop the capacities of women and of men so that together we can build an egalitarian society, where we can live a life free of violence and discrimination ”.

The updated policy respects the progressive and non-regressive principle established in Agreement 584 of 2015 that dictates the guidelines of Public Policy on Women and Gender Equality in the Capital District, and it continues to support actions currently developed by the District Secretary of Women in matters of rights for women.

The Public Policy on Women and Gender Equity - PPMYEG 2020-2030 is the result of a historical process that promotes gender equality, the recognition of women's rights and the redistribution of resources to achieve effective and fair equality .

“Today, the District Administration delivers this roadmap for gender equality. It is a set of actions and results aimed at making Bogotá a city that guarantees women's rights. We want women who live in the capital to be more and more autonomous and with greater opportunities to exercise their rights, ”said the secretary.