First meeting in Madrid: an exchange of ideas in sustainable mobility

Mayor seeks alliances in infrastructure, mobility and development in Spain
Xiana Méndez, president of ICEX; Raimundo Ruiz, councilman of mobility of Vitória-Gasteiz; mayoress, Claudia López; Luis Martínez, manager of Consorcio de Transporte de Madrid; Alfonso Sánchez, manager of EMT; and Elisa Carbonell, Internationalization dir

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Bogotá Mayor Claudia López bid farewell to the Scottish Lowlands as her time at the United Nations Conference on Climate Change in Glasgow comes to an end. It was a productive few days as the mayor was busy showcasing her plans for the city and rubbing shoulders with potential investors. In this vein, the mayor then traveled next to the Iberian region as she continues to explore common ground with executives from the Spanish Investment and Export Agency (ICEX). 

“We have an investment promotion agenda in Bogotá,“ explained the mayor upon arriving. “We come to tell Spanish businessmen about the investment portfolio in which we want them to participate. Investments in clean transport system, in the next cable tender, the second line of Metro, the Regio-tram del Norte, the PTAR (Plant of Wastewater Treatment) Canoas, the transformation of the Doña Juana Landfill, to name a few.”  

Those present include: Xiana Margarida Méndez, Secretary of State for Commerce and President of ICEX; María Peña Mateos, CEO of ICEX; Elisa Carbonell Martín, general director of Internationalization of Companies of ICEX; Luis Miguel Martínez Palencia, manager of the Madrid Regional Transport Consortium; and Alfonso Sánchez Vicente, manager of the Madrid Municipal Transport Company (EMT). 

On this leg of her visit to the Spanish capital, the Mayor of Bogotá assumed the Vice Presidency of the Council for Equality and Social Development of the Union of Ibero-American Capital Cities (UCCI), an organization of which she is a founding member.  

From there, Mayor López sat down with the mayor of Madrid, José Luis Martínez-Almeida, with whom she explored new avenues to work side-by-side on a wide-ranging list of topics: primarily on culture, tourism, sustainable mobility, climate action, economic re-activation and gender approach, to name a few. 

After that, during her audience with King Felipe VI, in the company of the mayors that make up the UCCI, Mayor Lopez expressed her intention to re-activate the construction of the Cultural Center of Spain in Bogotá.