Technology, the secret of the Green Séptima project by The City Fix

The American portal The City Fix
The City Fix is where the Ross Center for Sustainable Cities publishes specialized news on smart urbanism, it reviewed the Green Séptima project

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The American portal The City Fix highlighted the technological alliance that helped build the proposal for the Seventh street(one of the main streets in Bogotá) Green Corridor, were citizens had an active role participating in its design, contributing their needs and visions, “For two weeks during October 2020, Bogotá partnered with NUMO to build a customized version of Streetmix to use in the participatory process of the Green Séptima project. ". 


The City Fix is where the Ross Center for Sustainable Cities publishes specialized news on smart urbanism, it reviewed the Green Séptima project as, “A redesign that shows that it is possible to better engage residents in the“ reimagining ”of urban spaces, to build the streets and cities where people really want to live ”in an article on how Bogotá is turning 7,000 citizen proposals into a real plan to redesign a great public construction project. 

The note listed the multiple attempts of previous administrations to modernize the seventh street and contextualized its historical and geographical importance, “The Séptima is considered the most important road in Bogotá; it covers 23 kilometers and is perhaps the only corridor that crosses all income levels in the city, from the poorest to the extremely rich”.

To read this article in spanish, click here. 

To read the full article, click here.