Memorandum of Understanding between UNDP and Bogotá strengthens the SDGs

Memorandum of Understanding between UNDP and Bogotá strengthens the SDGs
Memorandum of Understanding between UNDP and Bogotá strengthens the SDGs

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The mayor of Bogotá, Claudia López, signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), with the objective of framing technical cooperation between this multilateral organization and the district.


This alliance will benefit multiple sectors within the district. The Memorandum has 5 strategic lines of cooperation:


1. Implement a territorial vision of the 2030 Agenda and the acceleration of the SDGs

2. Achieve greater equal opportunities for social, productive and political inclusion

3. Position the city as a space of trust and an epicenter of peace and reconciliation

4. Technical cooperation regarding adaptation to the effects of climate change

5. Promotion of an open, transparent government and conscientious citizenship


This agreement covers some of the main bets of the District Development Plan and helps to deepen the 2030 Agenda, taking into account the social and economic impacts derived from COVID-19 pandemic.


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