Bogotá participates in Exeter university project of memory and reconciliation

The English University of Exeter news portal
Bogotá will research the topic "Transitional Justice and Memory"

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The English University of Exeter news portal announced that the Center for Memory, Peace and Reconciliation and Fundación Compartir will participate in an academic project that brings together students from around the world to promote reconciliation in Bogota. "Work will be done in Cambodia, Pakistan, Uganda and Colombia, countries where creative teaching and learning practices about the violent past are being promoted because of the experiences of armed conflict in those countries. 

The university reported that in Bogotá they will research the topic "Transitional Justice and Memory" in which they will analyze the implications of the fact that the main tools of transitional justice now include the construction of sites of memory, such as museums and memorials. The research group will be led by María Teresa Pinto O'Campo, co-director of the Observatory of Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration Processes at the National University of Colombia, and Peter Manning, sociologist and expert in human rights and memory studies at the University of Bath. 

Funded by a £2 million grant from the United Kingdom Research and Innovation Institute (UKRI), the project seeks, according to Exeter's article, "to help students around the world use history and heritage to promote peace and make sense of past violence.


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