abc NEWS highlighted the use of therapeutic horticulture at El Tunal Hospital 

abc NEWS
Doctors at El Tunal hospital in the Colombian capital, hope that gardening will have a positive effect on kidney patients, who must visit the hospital three or four times a week.

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Australian media abc news reviewed how doctors at the Renal Unit of El Tunal hospital in Bogota are promoting therapeutic gardening to improve the eating practices and mental health of their patients suffering from kidney disease. 

Médicos y participantes en huerta

Actividad de horticultura en hospital

"Doctors at El Tunal hospital in the Colombian capital, hope that gardening will have a positive effect on kidney patients, who must visit the hospital three or four times a week. The plants assigned to the patients as a metaphor so that they have in mind to take care of themselves, while they take care of their plants", highlighted the media. 

Participante en actividades de siembra

For its web version the Australian media interviewed Maria Beatriz Millan, nutritionist of the renal diseases ward of El Tunal who said that periodically, patients receive surveys to evaluate the effect that gardening has had on their mental and physical health.

abc NEWS reported that, for now, 15 patients are participating in this initiative and that it could be extended to other hospitals in Bogota. One of the family members of the beneficiaries confirmed the benefits of this therapy, "Being on dialysis is very difficult, because it interrupts your lifestyle, but this is a change in your routine that we hope can help you improve". 

Médicos y pacientes participando en siembra

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