Bogotá’s Home Solidarity City System assistance


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The Mayor of Bogotá Claudia López, announced on March 25th the creation of the Bogotá’s Home Solidarity City System, Sistema Distrital Bogotá Solidaria en Casa.

The aid is intended for informal workers, unemployed individuals, women who are victims of violence, low-income households, and vulnerable families that lie just above the poverty line.

It will be distributed through three main channels:

1) Unconditional cash transfers

Via Bank operatos who have mechanisms to facilitate payments through cell phones.

2) Vouchers redeemable for goods and services

Distribution of cards to people who may use them to make cash withdrawls or purchases.

3) Subsidies in kind

Aid given directly to the population, emphasizing households that because of their living conditions or geographical location are unable to access the two channels mentioned above.

This system will be financed with resources from the City’s budget, and also with donations, in money or in kind, made by citizens, the private sector and national and international organizations.

The Mayor of Bogotá has made resources available to guarantee a minimum guaranteed income for 350,000 households living in poverty. Additionally, with the contributions of the National Government and the donations we receive, we will support 150,000 vulnerable households. Thus, our goal is to guarantee that at least 500,000 families in Bogotá have shelter and food.

For the 23 days of the Isolation period we will deliver:

· $423.000 pesos to poor-income households. (This is the equivalent to 65% of the household expenses)

· $178.000 pesos to vulnerable households (this is the equivalent to the cost of a basic food basket).