Education Measures in Bogotá


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  • The National Government announced the suspension of on-campus classes nationwide from 16 March onwards.  This will carry on until the end of term. 


  • The following day, the Mayor of Bogotá issued a decree giving powers to ensure the provision of the educational service, including the school feeding program and school calendar modifications in Bogota. A scheme was designed to care for the children of caregivers and healthcare workers who are obligated to attend their places of work.


  • In addition, in order to ensure the welfare, care and protection of children, teenagers and young people, the Secretary of Education implemented the following strategies:


  • Launched the initiative “Aprende en Casa”, (Learn at Home), so that students could continue learning with no disruptions, accompanied by their parents and care givers. The microsite was set up on the portal Red Académica, or Academic Network:


  • Two types of materials were delivered: physical materials (books and workshop guidelines) and digital resources. As physical material, the educational institutions provided parents with guides, workshops, documents, books and leaflets. Also, web addresses to access virtual resources.


  • There is specialized content for students with sensory-based disabilities and for deaf students.


  • Similarly, permanent communication channels were established with teachers (telephone, web platforms, text messages and e-mails), in order to talk about assigned school activities, learning difficulties, doubts or recommendations regarding the assignments.


  • Through Canal Capital, an open television network owned by the city, a special slot called "Aprende en Casa" (Learn at Home) was created to ensure that people who do not have the possibility of using the Internet can continue to study and complement their learning process.


  • This slot is broadcast with exclusive content from Canal Capital in partnership with the Ministries of Education, Culture, Science and Information and Communication Technologies.


  • The families that require support with meals during this period can inform the public school in advance and may pick up the refreshments for the week at their children'}


  • In addition to “Learn at Home” initiative, Bogotá launched “Aprende en Casa Radio” (Learn at Home Radio). This initiative broadcasts a wide range of educational material via radio since April 17th 2020.


  • A Historic Memory Strategy was designed for schools to implement. This is an educational experience for students in quarantine to be agents of the construction of historical memory and narrate the current health emergency at the same time as they remember relevant events from the Colombian Armed Conflict.