Bogotá to be a protagonist in Summit of the Americas Cities in the United States

United States: Bogotá protagonist in Summit of the Americas CitiesPhoto: Bogota Mayor's Office.
The Mayor of Bogotá, Claudia Lopez, and Tatiana Gallego, Chief of the Housing and Urban Development Division (HUD) of the IDB's Climate Change and Sustainable Development Sector, will attend.

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This week, Mayor Claudia López is participating in the first Cities Summit of the Americas in Denver, Colorado, United States, which aims to empower local governments, businesses, and community organizations to collaborate and develop new solutions to the main problems facing cities.

The central topics of the summit, which is attended by about 250 mayors from all over the continent, are sustainable development, climate resilience, democratic renewal, foreign direct investment, women's empowerment, improvement of disadvantaged communities, and public safety, among others.

Subnational leaders from the continent with a diverse and heterogeneous composition of representatives from governments, civil society, businesses, the academic sector, youth, culture, and art, as well as indigenous groups and marginalized communities, will attend the summit to promote regional cooperation.

In the following tweet, the mayor, Claudia López, shared the broadcast of the IBD 2023 Mayors Meeting:

The participants will work on the agenda adopted by the presidents of the countries during the Ninth Summit of the Americas as mechanisms to strengthen democracy and public health, promote the transition to non-polluting energy sources, address environmental challenges, expand access to critical digital technologies, protect the security and dignity of all migrants, and counter the spread and influence of disinformation.

The summit includes plenary sessions, roundtables with stakeholders, expert panels, spaces for collaboration networks, business interactions, and public outreach activities, with the aim of addressing a variety of priorities shared by local entities in the Americas.

In the opening session, the mayor of Bogotá was invited to participate in the opening panel of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) Mayors Forum for the coherence between her vision, management strategies, and the results that have been achieved in terms of inclusion, sustainability, and the realization of global development agendas. The mayor will share the stage with her counterpart from Curitiba (Brazil), Rafael Greca de Macedo, selected for achieving the continuity of plans that have allowed his city to have long-term plans and a vision.

Later, the mayor will have a working session on gender and cities, organized by the Inter-American Dialogue and CAF - Development Bank of Latin America, which will involve mayors from cities of different sizes and geographies, civil society leaders, representatives from the private sector, and other stakeholders who are key throughout the hemisphere. The goal is to create consensus and collaboration for effective promotion of policies and programs that promote women's economic empowerment through participation in an inclusive and equitable digital economy at the subnational level.

The Mayor will also be a panelist at the Biennial of the Americas on Leadership, which celebrates the work and progress of pioneers and innovators on the continent. This event will have over 700 guests from civic, business, and cultural organizations.

In the meeting with the Ambassador Brian A. Nichols, Assistant Secretary for Western Hemisphere Affairs, U.S. Department of State; the central topics will be cooperation on environmental matters and investment in infrastructure. The purpose is to enhance existing cooperation to strengthen the social, cultural, and economic integration of the migrant population, as well as to seek funding for programs such as 'Parceros', 'Jóvenes a la U, and 'Mujeres que Reverdecen'.

Later, there will be a roundtable discussion in which mayors, local professionals, and researchers from throughout the Western Hemisphere with relevant experience and interest in locally-led violence prevention efforts will participate, contributing to strengthening social cohesion and resilience, safeguarding local democracy, and promoting more inclusive and equitable societies.

On Friday, the "Inter-American Award for Innovation in Effective Public Management" will be presented, an initiative of the Department for Effective Public Management of the OAS to recognize innovations in public management that have been taking place in the region, contributing to making public institutions in the Americas more transparent, effective, and including mechanisms for citizen participation.

Bogotá and other capitals in the region such as Buenos Aires, Medellín, Sao Paulo, and Mexico City will receive the award, which recognizes, encourages, systematizes, and promotes innovations in public management that are taking place in the region.

What is the Cities Summit of the Americas?

It is an initiative of the United States government to convene leaders of cities, states, municipalities, and regions from across the Western Hemisphere with the purpose of focusing on shared challenges and opportunities alongside diverse stakeholders from the private sector, civil society, and youth.

Each of these groups will ensure that the Cities Summit creates new economic opportunities and drives the implementation of commitments at the leaders' level of the Ninth Summit of the Americas.

What is the goal of the Cities Summit of the Americas?

To empower local governments, businesses, and community organizations to collaborate and develop new solutions to the most pressing problems facing cities, such as:

• Sustainable development

• Climate resilience

• Democratic renewal

• Foreign direct investment

• Women's empowerment

• Improving disadvantaged communities

• Public safety.