Bogota's Home Solidarity City System


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To address the social contingency caused by the quarantine restrictions, the city launched the program Sistema Distrital Bogotá Solidaria en Casa.

This solidarity program pools resources from the private and public sector to provide a basic income for poor families and assistance to those individuals who are just above the property line. This will prevent them from not being able to cover their daily living expenses.

  • The program was launched on 25th March 2020 and has already helped 475.000 households.  
  • The target population are informal workers, unemployed individuals, women who are victims of violence, low income households, and vulnerable families that lie just above the poverty line. These populations were targeted by crossing the National Goverment Databases (SISBEN IV) with Bogotá 's own registry, and specifically the Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI).
  • Bogotá Solidaria en Casa has proven that solidarity is the force that drives the city. On April 19th, during a 12-hour donation events, over 13 million dollars were raised to help the city's poor and vulnerable. And donations are still pouring in.