Tree planting and awards ceremony strengthen alliance between Bogotá and Denmark

During this meeting, both parties socialized the signing of the Declaration of Intent between Bogotá and the government of Denmark.
Gente plantando árboles con alcaldesa Claudia López
"In addition to consolidating this place as a reserve in the territorial order, we have 27 hectares that will remain as reserve land and our project is to plant 14,000 trees here," informed the Mayor.

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The Mayor of Bogotá Claudia López and the Ambassador of Denmark Erik Hoeg participated in a meeting between representatives of the Mayor's Office of Bogotá and the Embassy of Denmark this Saturday, November 14, at the Thomas Van Der Hammen Reserve.


During this meeting, both parties socialized the signing of the Declaration of Intent between Bogotá and the government of Denmark. The event began with the planting of 505 trees donated by Denmark to the city. Bogotá has been a leader in actions against climate change; Proof of this is the approach of the District Development Plan "A New Social and Environmental Contract for Bogotá in the XXI Century", which raises the need to change the way the city is seen and thought of, always in accordance with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).


"In addition to consolidating this place as a reserve in the territorial order, we have 27 hectares that will remain as reserve land and our project is to plant 14,000 trees here," informed the Mayor.


This event is part of the alliance between Bogotá and Denmark, which aims to deepen the collaboration and exchange of knowledge and experiences between the Colombian capital and this European country. This alliance prioritizes efforts around issues of culture, sustainability, smart cities, compliance with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), health and education.


“We did a tree planting in the Van Der Hammen reserve as part of the Danish Embassy's commitment to support the Bogotá Mayor's Office with its sustainability plan. We promised that for every child who participated we would donate a tree to the city, ”said Erik Hoeg, Danish ambassador.


Denmark is considered a strategic ally for Bogotá, because it is internationally recognized for its advances in equity, transparency and low levels of corruption. Also for its high offer of welfare services, gender equality, protection of human rights; Likewise, it has stood out for its leadership in Smart Cities, with Copenhagen being among the five smartest cities worldwide. In addition, it is a pioneer country in sustainability, especially for its culture of cycling.


During the meeting, the Danish ambassador delivered the results of the My Sustainable Future contest, where boys and girls between the ages of 7 and 14 participated and in where the leaders of tomorrow were expected to reflect on the importance of the climate agenda. 505 children participated in this contest, for which Denmark donated 505 trees that have begun to be planted in the Van Der Hammen Reserve.