Four international groups submitted applications to build Metro Line 2

The mayor, Claudia López, and the manager of the Metro Company, Leonidas NarváezPhoto: Bogota's Mayors Office
The mayor, Claudia López, and the manager of the Metro Company, Leonidas Narváez, announced the 4 companies that submitted an application to build Line 2 of the Metro.

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Upon the end of the final deadline conceded by the Metro Company of Bogotá for the reception of  proposals of interest in developing the line 2 of Bogota’s Metro, the Mayor of Bogotá, Claudia López, confirmed the reception of four solicitudes to be pre-qualified, and participate in the International Public Tender.  

“I want to express my gratitude towards the financial multilateral institutions for their assistance and accompaniment during the process, to the World Bank, The Inter-American Development Bank, the European Investment Bank, and the Development Bank of Latin America and the Caribbean. These four banks have supported us, and we have the great news that four international business groups registered as candidates to build the second line of Bogota’s Metro” highlighted the Mayor.  

The city leader affirmed that the reception of four proposers represents a sample of trust and transparency to Bogotá. “The fact that four groups presented, means that we have plurality, competitive, efficiency, and transparency. This is a sample of confidence in Colombia and Bogotá, and it is a demonstration that the Mayor’s Office of Bogotá and the Metro Company asses with seriousness the contracts or concessions to which they commit, and that they are able to gain national and international enterprises in a competitive and transparent way” Stated Mayor Lopez.

As established by the prequalification document published on SECOP II on May 23, 2023, interested companies were required to present themselves individually or in an associative manner through the figure of Association in Participation, Consortium or Association, and demonstrate that they have the technical capacities, as well as, the financial and legal capacities required to develop this new project for the city of Bogota.

The applicants that presented their proposals are: APCA METRO LÍNEA 2 – BOGOTÁ, APCA METRO LÍNEA 2, APCA BOGOTÁ METRO 2 y UNIÓN L2 BOGOTÁ METRO RAIL.


Members comprising it:

  • Mota Engil Colombia S.A.S
  • CRRC (Hong Kong) CO Limited Sucursal Colombia


Members comprising it:

  • China Harbour Engineering Company Limited
  • Xi’an Rail Transportation Group Company Limited


Members comprising it:

  • China Railway Construction Electrification Bureau Group Co. Ltd.
  • China Railway Construction Corporation International Investment Co. Ltd


Members comprising it:

  • Sacyr Concesiones Colombia Participados II S.A.S
  • Acciona Concesiones S.L.
  • CAF Investment Projects S.A

Leónidas Narváez, General Manager of the Metro Company of Bogotá, explained that “The main objective of this stage was to motivate the interest of multiple international groups specialized in the construction of metro-rail projects, in order to have the highest number of participants. This is why the response to the tender was highly successful”.

The ultimate goal is to select the concessionaire responsible for carrying out the designs, the construction and electromechanical assemblies, the one that will also provide the trains, operate and maintain them for 20 years. The awardee will also have to contribute with capital and with the financing of nearly USD 1.4 billion. The process also had the accompaniment and follow up of the District's oversight entity. 

Once the Metro Company shows the definitive list of prequalified enterprises, the feedback stage will begin, followed by the opening of the International Public Tender.

The process will end in March 2024 with the award of the contract for the construction and operation of the project for 30 years to the group that presents the most convenient proposal for the city and meets all the technical, legal and financial requirements.

Bogota's Metro Line two (L2MB)       

Line 2 of Bogota’s Metro will benefit more than 2.9 million people. This is a project that has strategic importance for the city and the country, due to the impact that it will have on the country’s capital mobility.

It will have a 15.5 km length, one workshop yard and 11 stations, 10 of the stations will be underground and one elevated. This project will connect four districts of Bogota: Chapinero, Barrios Unidos, Engativá and Suba. The final cost of the project is 34.9 billions Colombian pesos.

It will connect the northeast of Bogotá, starting from 72 Street with carrera 10 with Fontanar del Rió zone, the western area of the city, where the workshop yard will be located. 

The list of prequalified candidates that will proceed through the second phase of the selection process will be published in September.  After that, the international public tender will be opened, and it will finish in 2024.