District obtains recognitions in the 2020 National Senior Management award

 The award was given in the twentieth edition in recognition of the most outstanding management initiatives in the Colombian public administration
The award was given in the twentieth edition in recognition of the most outstanding management initiatives in the Colombian public administration

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In the 2020 version of the 2020 National Senior Management Award, three entities of Bogota’s District received recognition from the Administrative Department of Public Function. 

The Administrative Department of the District Civil Service, for its strategy of the Bank of CVs of Bogotá "Talento No Palanca"; the Aqueduct Company of Bogotá EAAB for preserving the wetlands towards the future; and the Bogota Philharmonic Orchestra for continuing with its cultural mission despite the coronavirus health emergency.

The 2020 National Senior Management Award, highlighted 12 winning entities in 3 categories: municipal, departmental and large capitals, and national, for excelling in each of the four thematic emphases: Legality, Entrepreneurship, Equity and Good institutional performance.

Mayor Claudia López celebrated the recognition given to the District Department of Civil Service and highlighted that the professionals who have come to the entities of the district arrived by merit.

“In Bogotá we have insisted that merit and capabilities shine; for this reason, since we launched the Talento no Palanca platform, all the entities of the District have made an effort to select the best professionals to be part of the Mayor's Office. Today this recognition shows us that it is worth betting on transparency, preparation and discipline. Thanks to all who believed, applied and today are part of this wonderful team! ”, Emphasized the mayor.

‘Talento No Palanca’ platform that highlights the merit of citizens

The Administrative Department of the District Civil Service, stood out with its strategy of Bank of CVs of Bogotá, Talent No Palanca , received a recognition of the National Award for Senior Management that in the twentieth edition highlights it as one of the best experiences of public management in entrepreneurship 2020.

The Bogota CVs Bank is a web platform that was created by the District so that citizens who want to access the District's vacancies can be linked through service provision contracts, registering their work profile, expressing their interest according to the fields of public action and applying to a maximum of three entities of the District.

The director of the Civil Service, Nidia Rocío Vargas pointed out that, “This award is a great recognition for the district administration led by our mayor Claudia López, believing in the merit and capabilities of the Bogota citizens who have registered their resumes in our innovative platform where we already have, today, 3,504 people hired through this digital mechanism ”.

Currently 3,504 citizens have been hired through the platform, of which 42% are men and 57% women. 218,267 people have registered their resume, of which 30,622 have been consulted by the district entit. 

Bogotá Aqueduct Company EAAB preserves the wetlands for the future

Among more than 500 national experiences, the National Award for Senior Management, from the Department of Public Function, awarded the EAAB-ESP an honorable mention for the good institutional practice "We preserve wetlands for the future."

This recognition, within the departmental category, is framed in the thematic category of Equity, which recognizes experiences that contribute to social and productive inclusion through legality, entrepreneurship and good institutional performance.

Bogotá Philharmonic Orchestra brings culture during the pandemic 

The Bogota Philharmonic Orchestra received recognition for its commitment to fulfill its cultural mission despite the health emergency caused by COVID-19. The award evaluated the ability of organizations to continue the provision of the service under their charge, in the midst of measures to combat the pandemic.

Of the Philharmonic Orchestra of Bogotá he stood out for the way in which his audiences increased at this juncture; for its ability to make strategic alliances to recognize and pay tribute to those individuals and groups that faced the effects of the pandemic on the front line; and for the creative way in which he managed to enable more than 652 musicians in the city to develop their work in the midst of adversity.

Even in the midst of the contingency of the pandemic, the Philharmonic provided the service uninterruptedly and allowed 25,061 children to benefit from its music training processes; and that its musical offer reached 2,887,377 citizens.

The Bogotá Philharmonic Orchestra was a pioneer in promoting a sense of unity in the midst of difficulty. Among its virtual productions, the concert ‘Volverte a Ver’, with Juanes; the concert for diversity ‘Alejandro Palacio Sinfónico’; the interpretation of the National Anthem together with six orchestras of the country; and "I'm Colombian", among others.

The award-winning Orquesta Filarmónica de Bogotá seeks to meet its audience soon in person, but while that moment arrives, it will continue working so that its groups stay in tune with the public.