Mayor Lopez to bring Bogota's care vision to the Global Mayors Forum in China

Mayor Lopez to bring Bogota's care vision to the Global Mayors Forum.Alcaldía de Bogotá
The Mayor's international agenda will continue in the city of Guangzhou, where she will attend the ceremony for the International Award for Urban Innovation (Guangzhou Award).

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Mayor Claudia Lopez Hernández will undertake an international agenda in China to share the legacy of the Care vision for people, democracy, and the planet that has guided her mandate, which is nearing its conclusion. She will also hold bilateral meetings to explore investment opportunities in Bogotá, focusing on areas such as clean and renewable energies, vaccine production, and electric mobility.

After her participation in COP28, the Mayor will travel to China, starting in the capital, Beijing, where she will kickstart her agenda. There, the city's leader will engage in discussions to explore cooperation possibilities with CTG, a clean energy group specializing in the development of hydroelectric power, wind, solar, and other renewable energies.

Additionally, she will participate in a working meeting organized by Procolombia, which will also be attended by Colombia's Ambassador to China, Sergio Cabrera. The purpose of this meeting is to explore new investment opportunities in Bogotá, especially in the production of energy storage batteries, electric vehicles, and practices related to clean energy.

Following this, she will hold a formal meeting with the company SINOVAC to finalize negotiations and announce the date for the signing of agreements, through which BogotáBio will become Colombia's first vaccine manufacturing facility.

The Mayor's international agenda will continue in the city of Guangzhou, where she will attend the ceremony for the International Award for Urban Innovation (Guangzhou Award) and the Global Mayors Forum. The award aims to promote the exchange of best practices in global urban governance.

The sixth edition of the Guangzhou Award received a total of 274 initiatives from 193 cities in 54 countries. From these submissions, 15 cities were selected as finalists after evaluation by the Technical Committee. Bogotá is competing for this award with its initiative, "Bogota Care Blocks - How a city is reorganizing itself for women and achieving the SDGs."

Subsequently, the Mayor will have the honor of opening the World Mayors Forum, an event co-organized by the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (CPAFCC), the United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG), the Metropolis World Association of the Major Metropolises, and the Municipal Government of Guangzhou. This forum aims to promote exchanges among cities in urban innovation to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.

As part of this event, she will participate in a panel on artificial intelligence and the digital economy, where the latest solutions, applications, and trends in the development of the new global generation of information technology represented by artificial intelligence will be discussed.

The Mayor's international agenda will conclude with her participation in a panel on Urban Social Security Networks and Community Governance. In this space, she will highlight the achievements of Bogotá's Care System as an innovative initiative that enhances community governance and the quality of life for citizens. It serves as a global reference that inspires and attracts the attention of leaders worldwide in pursuit of a fairer and more inclusive future, especially for women.